Row Subqueries

Scalar or column subqueries return a single value or a column of values. A row subquery is a subquery variant that returns a single row and can thus return more than one column value. Legal operators for row subquery comparisons are:

= > < >= <= <> ! <=>

Here are two examples:

    WHERE (col1, col2) = (SELECT col3, col4 FROM t2 WHERE id = 10);

    WHERE ROW(col1, col2) = (SELECT col3, col4 FROM t2 WHERE id = 10);

For both queries, if the table t2 contains a single row with id = 10, the subquery returns a single row.If this row has col3 and col4 values equal to the col1 and col2 values of any rows in t1, the WHERE expression is TRUE and each query returns those t1 rows. If the t2 row col3 and col4 values are not equal the col1 and col2 values of any t1 row, the expression is FALSE and the query returns an empty result set. The expression is unknown(that is, NULL) if the subquery produces no rows. An error occurs if the subquery produces multiple rows because a row subquery can return at most one row.

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