Navigating with Bookmarks

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The editor of IntelliJ IDEA provides two types of bookmarks:

  • Anonymous bookmarks , indicated by check sings in the left gutter. The number of anonymous bookmarks is unlimited.
  • Bookmarks with mnemonics indicated by or icons in the left gutter. There can be only 10 numbered and 26 lettered bookmarks within a project.

All bookmarks are indicated with the black streaks in the marker bar:

Once created, the bookmarks enable you to easily jump to the desired location within a file, or across the entire project.

To navigate through the bookmarks within the current file, do one of the following

  • On the main menu, choose Navigate | Bookmarks | Next/Previous Bookmark. The order of visiting bookmarks depends on their order in the collection of bookmarks in the Bookmarks dialog.

  • Click the black streak in the marker bar.

To navigate across a project using numbered bookmarks

  • Use Ctrl + Number where the <number> corresponds to the desired bookmark.

To navigate among all bookmarks in a project, do one of the following

  • On the main menu, choose Navigate | Bookmarks | Show Bookmarks, or press ⌘F3

    In the Bookmarks dialog, select the target bookmark, and press ⏎.
    For your convenience, the target code preview is shown in the right pane of the dialog box.

  • In the Favorites tool window, select the desired bookmark in the Bookmarks list, and then double-click the bookmark entry, or press ⌘↓. The corresponding file opens in the editor, with the caret at the beginning of the bookmarked line.

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